четверг, 20 февраля 2020 г.


Big budget animation at work". As of , 5 Si Juki titles are accessible in Line Webtoon. Si Juki Physical cover of Si Juki: Languages Bahasa Indonesia Edit links. Hyperreality within the theory of postmodernism is a theory that suggests the idea of separating reality from imagination. Home Meet the Team. In these early publications, the main character was named Marzuki from which the nickname Juki was derived. si juki dan petualangan lulus un

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si juki dan petualangan lulus un

Retrieved 5 January Published in both print and Line Webtoon in addition to various social media platforms, an animated movie has been released based on the series in CNN Indonesia in Indonesian. Humor Slice of life. Republika Online in Indonesian. Big budget animation at work". Languages Bahasa Indonesia Edit links. Retrieved from " https: Juki's bucktoothed, large-eyed design was meant to make him an iconic, easy-to-recognize character.

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Home Meet the Team. Abstract Imaginary worlds, places where many fictional lands filled with fantasies that are impossible to exist and happen in luus world, are found in many literary works. The result shows that the four stages of hyperreality shown from the personalities of the characters, the settings, and the plot are used to criticize the Indonesian education condition.

Initially taking manga drawing courses in junior high school, Faza later studied to be an animator and his designs were initially made through graphic software instead of with pen and paper. As of5 Si Juki titles are accessible in Line Webtoon. Retrieved 6 January This research involves discovering the hyperreality inside a literary work, a comic entitled Si Juki dan Petualangan Lulus UN The purpose is to show how hyperreality is presented in the comic.

In these early publications, the main character was named Marzuki from which the nickname Juki was derived. Retrieved 7 January In the comic, Juki's behavior and style are commonly described as "anti-mainstream", which is also commonly used to describe the series.

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The use of the hyperreality in the comic is to show the satire of Indonesian education condition, especially the National Examination.

Panitia Hari Akhirwas released on 28 December This has been done by examining the characters, settings, and plot of the comic. InFaza created his first comic, initially titled DKV 4 in form of a 4-panel comic. Hyperreality within the theory of postmodernism lulis a theory that suggests the idea of separating reality from imagination.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Antara News in Indonesian. After his work gained popularity on his own Facebook page and in the online community KaskusFaza decided to put his comic to print intitling it Ngampus!!!

si juki dan petualangan lulus un

Research methods applied is a qualitative approach which uses text analysis method. CS1 Indonesian-language sources id. Originally published as webcomic inthe comics follow its namesake character Juki, a deviant young adult male throughout a variety of humorous scenarios and adventures. Desain Komunikasi Visual at Bina Nusantara Universityand the comic was a satire of student life in said faculty. Keywords hyperrealtiy, comic, satire, Indonesian education.

This page was last edited on 28 Mayat From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Si So Physical cover of Si Juki: Views Read Edit View history.

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